Friday, 22 August 2014

Win a set of wartime themed books for your school library

Would you like to win a bundle of wartime-themed books for your school library? To celebrate the Centenary, Random House Children’s Publishers have THREE SETS to give away.
To be in with a chance of winning please write a short poem about the war.
It can be about the First or Second World War and on any subject that interests you the most. It can be an individual poem or a class effort, we can’t wait to hear them all! Get creative and decorate them too if you like!
Send your poems to:
Wartime Poetry competitionRandom House Children’s PublishersPenguin Random House UK57-63 Uxbridge Road,
W5 5SA
by Friday 12th September 2014. Make sure you write yourNAMEAGEADDRESS OF YOUR SCHOOL on the back!
Winners will be notified within 20 days of the competition closing. The prize is a set of wartime themed books for your school library.
wartime bundle

Friday, 8 August 2014

Summer Update and School Aid donation

Summer is always a very busy time in the libraries, as this is when we have a good sort out.  This includes tidying and ‘weeding’ the books.  ‘Weeding’ involves getting rid of books that are no longer being read or are worn out in order to make room for all the new books that we have bought.  Where possible, we try to make sure that the unwanted books go to charity or are recycled.

This year we proud to announce that we have donated some of our books to School Aid, a charity who support children in need in Africa, through the Entertainer Toy Shop.  Hilary Weller from School Aid wrote us a letter to thank us for our donation and to explain how it will help.  Hilary explained that “each day millions of children in Africa are unable to attend school, often due to a simple lack of basic school equipment and without a good education the escape from poverty is impossible”.  School Aid helps to bridge the gap by providing educational materials to meet the needs of young people in disadvantaged communities.  To find our more about School Aid and where our donation goes visit:
We hope you are having a great summer and look forward to receiving your postcards telling us what you are reading!